Would you like to help implement innovative cloud computing solutions and solve the world's most complex technical problems? Do you have a deep passion and desire to engineer and operate the world's largest cloud computing infrastructure to provide a better world for future generations?

Amazon Web Services is seeking top industry technical experts to grow our team dedicated to expanding our Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to government customers. We are seeking a talented engineer skilled in the art of integration who understands the Agile mindset and DevOps philosophies, yet is not constrained by how “things are usually done" and is willing to decompose and reinvent systems, processes, and tools. We're looking for a technical expert for one of the largest compute services on the planet; if you possess that rare mix of depth in Operations, Networking, and Systems Engineering then we are waiting for your application.

Amazon has a fast-paced environment where we “Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History.” On a “typical” day engineers might deep dive to root cause a customer issue, investigate why a metric is trending the wrong way, consult with the top engineers at Amazon, or discuss radical new approaches to automate operational issues.

You'll be part of a world-class team in a fast-paced environment that has the entrepreneurial feel of a start-up. This is an opportunity to operate and engineer systems on a massive scale, and to gain top-notch experience in cloud computing. You'll be surrounded by people who are smart, passionate about cloud computing, and believe that world class service is critical to customer success. You'll become a master at EC2 platform diagnosis, response, measurement, and automation. You will design and build the operational scalability that sustains the platform's insane growth. You will be able to measure your success by its visible impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of government services for our nation.

This position requires that the candidate selected must currently possess and maintain an active TS/SCI security clearance with polygraph. The position further requires the candidate to opt into a commensurate clearance for each government agency for which they perform AWS work.

Apply to meet our talented team and let's see if you are the one that can help us scale to meet the demand of our largest government customers! Become our leading expert on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) products and services.


About the team
Our team also puts a high value on work-life balance. Striking a healthy balance between your personal and professional life is crucial to your happiness and success here, which is why we aren’t focused on how many hours you spend at work or online. Instead, we’re happy to offer a flexible schedule so you can have a more productive and well-balanced life—both in and outside of work.


5+ years of systems administration experience (Linux/Windows).
Experience working with scripting languages.
Excellent communication skills and the ability to work well in a team.
In lieu of above relevant work experience, degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field.


5+ years experience with cloud computing technologies.
5+ years of networking experience.
5+ years of experience with support procedures and methodologies for production computing environments.
Experience automating complex tasks.
Proficiency with troubleshooting.
Proficiency with performance and log analysis.

Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.